Pediatric Concussion Treadmill Test (PCTT)

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The Pediatric Concussion Treadmill Test (PCTT) is used primarily for the assessment and management of concussions. It is adapted from the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test (BCTT) for those aged 12 and under. It helps healthcare providers understand the patient’s ability … Read More

How Concussions can Impact Sleep

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Sleep disturbance and concussions are closely interrelated. An estimated 30%–70% of concussion patients report difficulty sleeping in the first few weeks post-injury (Mosti et al., 2016). Insomnia symptoms are reported in 30% of people, and 43% to 73% of people … Read More

Top 5 Brain Foods

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There are many different foods that have been shown to promote cognition, memory, mood and help heal and prevent neurological disorders such as concussions, strokes, Alzheimers, dementia and Parkinsons. Whether you are recovering from a brain injury, or would just … Read More

5 Ways to Cope With Noise Sensitivity

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Is you or someone you know suffering with noise sensitivity following a head injury? Noise sensitivity and tinnitus are common hearing disturbances following a concussion. In one study published in 2003, noise sensitivity after concussion was found in 50% to … Read More

Why Shift?

If you’re a patient struggling to understand the concussion recovery pathway and asking your self: who to see, which professional is responsible for certain decisions, when do you need to perform certain activities, why am I feeling this way, or … Read More

SHIFTing Concussion Culture

In the past few years, there has been an increasing interest in concussions. As we know, many potential concussions go unreported and many of these athletes continue to play while symptomatic ignoring the importance of sitting out. Recent guidelines recommend … Read More

Exercise Is Medicine For Concussion

Exercise is Medicine for Concussion We all know there are plenty of benefits of incorporating exercise into our everyday life, from improving quality of life, to preventing injuries, to even helping us battle our weekend chores. In fact, exercise has … Read More

How NeuroTracker Can Enhance Your Performance!

NeuroTracker & Sports Performance What Is It? NeuroTracker emerged out of 20 years of neuroscience research to enhance mental performance to make you the best athlete. NeuroTracker takes advantage of a modern neuroscience principle, neuroplasticity – the brains incredible ability … Read More

Vestibular Disorders

Vestibular Disorders that we treat! We hear people talking about vestibular disorders more and more lately. Feelings of dizziness, nausea, poor balance, sense of movement and difficulties with changing positions are just some of the terms used to describe a … Read More

Diagnosed with Knee Osteoarthritis? We can help!

Diagnosed with Knee Osteoarthritis?  Approximately 1 in 5 Canadians are living with arthritis and osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type. It leads to pain, stiffness and decreased function. Osteoarthritis is caused by the breakdown of cartilage. Cartilage is the … Read More

5 Types of “Everyday Athletes” Who Could Use an Athletic Therapist

A big myth surrounding athletic therapy is that it is only for athletes! Actually, athletic therapists treat many different people. Athletic therapy can help kids with a sports injury, people with concussions, seniors trying to maintain an active lifestyle, and … Read More

What is the Difference Between an Osteopath and a Chiropractor?

We often hear this question from new patients calling into the clinic — unsure of where to go or who to see for their specific ailment, whether it is lower back pain, a headache, or some musculoskeletal condition. The truth … Read More

What is Post Concussion Syndrome?

Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS) is a complex disorder defined by a wide range of symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, sleep problems, anxiety and depression that persists weeks to months after a concussion injury. Not everyone who sustains a concussion goes … Read More

Physiotherapy vs. Medicine: How to Reduce Your Reliance on Medication

Physiotherapy is a branch of rehabilitation that aims to help patients recover and maintain physical abilities through natural means. Physiotherapists use of education, stretching, strengthening, mobilizations, and manipulations to help relieve pain in your body — in the same way … Read More

5 Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a very common health problem worldwide and a major cause of disability — affecting performance at work and general well being. Approximately 65-80% of adults will experience an episode of low back pain at some point … Read More

6 Common Causes of Knee Pain & How We Can Help

Knee pain comes in many shapes and forms. In this blog, the team at Shift has identified 6 of the most common causes of knee pain, their symptoms, and explained how we can help with a treatment plan. Keep reading … Read More

Do I Have Vertigo?

What is Vertigo? Many people confuse the terms ‘vertigo’ and ‘dizziness’. Dizziness is a term that is often used to describe a variety of sensations, and tends to mean something different to each person. For example, one person may describe … Read More

The Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture has its roots in ancient China, although this treatment technique has garnered widespread Western medical acceptance in recent years. Clinical trials have shown it to be a safe and effective stand-alone or adjunct treatment method for a variety of … Read More

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a safe and natural therapy that focuses on the framework of the body: the bones, ligaments, muscles, and connective tissues or fascia. Osteopaths assess the condition of the musculoskeletal system, looking for areas of weakness, imbalance or excessive … Read More

5 Common Concussion Myths

Thanks to the infamous Sidney Crosby concussion and neck injury saga, which began in 2011, public awareness of the injury has grown immensely. Recent research efforts have shed more light on this ‘invisible injury’ and debunked several long-standing concussion myths … Read More

The Shift Rehabilitation’s Interdisciplinary Approach

Here at Shift Rehabilitation, we have a unique, interdisciplinary approach to treating our patients. Our clinical team is made up of 8 practitioners trained in Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Massage Therapy and Athletic Therapy. When you come to visit us, our … Read More