Neurotracker can enahnce your sports performance

How NeuroTracker Can Enhance Your Performance!

NeuroTracker & Sports Performance

What Is It?

NeuroTracker emerged out of 20 years of neuroscience research to enhance mental performance to make you the best athlete. NeuroTracker takes advantage of a modern neuroscience principle, neuroplasticity – the brains incredible ability to adapt and change itself to better respond to performance demands. Research has shown that NeuroTracker enhances attention, executive function, working memory and processing speed.

How It Works

NeuroTracker is a test that combines the key elements of awareness, attention and focus in a simple but challenging task. Individuals must distribute their attention among 4 key targets in a complex, dynamic environment where they must sustain their attention and maintain focus at high speeds. NeuroTracker improves the athletes ability to perceive and integrate complex movement patterns while allocation resources in different key areas of dynamic scenes.

Sports Performance

NeuroTracker boosts the mental skills that are key in human performance. Reaching elite levels of human performance is mental just as much as physical. The most successful athletes are those who are the most selective in where they look and what details they pay attention to. Training your mental abilities can provide an added edge in any situation. Science shows that superior cognitive abilities give elite athletes a competitive edge, and that NeuroTracker training can directly improve an athletes performance by improving an athletes attention, awareness and decision-making abilities in competitive performance.

1. Attention:

  • Focus on key play opportunities
  • Filter out incoming sensory distractions
  • Stay sharp under high-pressure demands

2. Awareness:

  • See more opportunities in any situation
  • Interpret body language effectively
  • Perceptively slow down your environment

3. Decision Making

  • Respond more quickly and efficiently
  • Improve your sensory effectively
  • Avoid overly impulsive actions

NeuroTracker was found to be the only perceptual-cognitive training method that measurably increased athletes’ performance in competition and is used by top teams across the NFL, NBA, NHL and EPL to attain an edge over the competition.

Shift Rehabilitation At Arbour has partnered with NeuroTracker to assist our patients in both their concussion rehabilitation and sports performance. Book an appointment with us to see how we can help you become your best athlete. 

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